Boot Flags/Boot failure may result if ignored.Solution does not work, 10.8.4 or earlier Clover/Chameleon - System/Library/Extensions/.BrcmPatchRAM.kext Installation (Select one method).BT injection - RehabMan/OS-X-BrcmPatchRAM (2 kexts required).Add 3 Patches to ist/KernelAndKextPatches/KextsToPatch.Paste 3 Patches to ist/KernelAndKextPatches/KextsToPatchĬredit: Dokterdok, the-darkvoid, Sebinouse.edit 5GHz-US/Replace/55 53 (US) to xx xx (CC).ROW Country Code, credit: Sebinouse, Post #1159 (select one method).Solves wake from sleep WiFi performance issue Special case, see #a, credit: jaymonkey, Post #2084ġ. If not US/FCC, see Sebinouse, see #2 belowģ. Paste patch to ist/KernelAndKextPatches/KextsToPatchĬountry Code (10.12/10.11/10.10 - all versions)Ģ. Enable Handoff/Hot Spot (94352 only) - Credit: lisai9093ġ.ĝownload (View Raw):Ģ.Install to EFI/CLOVER/kexts or kext installer to /System/Library/Extensions:.Install with kext installer to /System/Library/Extension:.⁃ AirPortBrcmNIC-MFG.kext - not applicable Note: Requires AirPortBrcm4360.kext and BT4LE Mini PCIe to PCI/PCIe adapters (adapter must include motherboard USB connector for working BT)īroadcom WiFi/Bluetooth Installation/10.13+.Supported WiFi card sources - the usual.

Half miniBCM943224 HMB supports WiFi and BT3.M.2/BCM94352Z HMB/AzureWave AW-CE162NF/DW1560 supports WiFi/ac and BT4LE.Half mini/BCM94352 HMB/AzureWave AW-CE123H/DW 1550 supports WiFi/ac and BT4LE.PCIe/BCM94360CD/BCM9331CD native WiFi/ac and BT4LE (PCIe 1x, not HM).Half mini/BCM94360HMB/AzureWave AW-CB160H - Credit: Skvo, Post #758/ Airport - PCIe Half Mini v2.- High Sierra Broadcom WiFi and Bluetooth Support.Enables half mini and M.2 BCM4352 on High Sierra with method described below. WiFi and Bluetooth working out of box on macOS with Apple branded Broadcom BCM94360.